亚 洲电玩大会(GCA)和亚洲电玩研讨会(GCAC)主办单位宣布,GCA、GCAC 将于今年 9 月 18 日至 20 日在新加坡新达城国际会议展览中心登场,将邀请包括研发《善与恶》系列闻名 Lionhead Studios 的 Peter Molyneux,以及 Crytek 总裁暨执行长 Cevat Yerli、NEXON 执行长 Joonmo Kwon 出席,并发表相关演说。
以《善与恶》和《神鬼寓言》系列游戏闻名的 Molyneux 在电玩领域里创造了 20 年的辉煌事业,他此次的演讲主题为「Creating Believable Game Worlds」;下一代的科技将能够让电玩研发者创造更多复杂的电玩世界,但是那些电玩世界将会非常消耗人力与时间。 Molyneux 相信从《神鬼寓言 2》游戏能够学习到很多的知识,这也是他第一次讲解如何同时使用模拟、经济、故事和电玩角色等元素去创造一个连接的电玩世界。
创作包括《末日之战》等作品的 Cevat Yerli 将针对游戏画面表现进行专题演讲,带领现场听众体会画面技术不断演进,如何藉由技术真实呈现游戏样貌;NEXON 执行长 Joonmo Kwon 则会阐述在线游戏产业今日与未来的面貌。
亚洲电玩大会(GCA)今年主题为「Inspire Yourself」,活动由莱比锡国际展览有限公司(LMI)主办,并和 GCA Business Center 联合举办,活动时间为 9 月 18 日至 20 日、上午 10 时至下午 6 时在新加坡举行。
The Games Convention Asia is the first and only platform for the entire electronic game market in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region. The organizer’s target is to firmly establish what will be the Asia-Pacific region’s biggest convention devoted to digital media, computer games, entertainment and educational software as well as hardware.
The 4 pillar concept of the show is unique – it brings together the whole market chain in only one event. Starting with the Game developers – having their own platform with the GC Asia Conference – over the publishers – finding their place in the business centre – to the casual and hardcore gamer – enjoying the latest games in the dazzle of the public hall.
And the concept works as statistic shows. During September 6 to 9 2007 the first Games Convention Asia attracted 1,000 professional visitors and media representatives and 70,000 public visitors. In addition, 300 international experts from over 20 nations listened to 65 renowned local and foreign speakers during the first GC Asia Conference.
以《善与恶》和《神鬼寓言》系列游戏闻名的 Molyneux 在电玩领域里创造了 20 年的辉煌事业,他此次的演讲主题为「Creating Believable Game Worlds」;下一代的科技将能够让电玩研发者创造更多复杂的电玩世界,但是那些电玩世界将会非常消耗人力与时间。 Molyneux 相信从《神鬼寓言 2》游戏能够学习到很多的知识,这也是他第一次讲解如何同时使用模拟、经济、故事和电玩角色等元素去创造一个连接的电玩世界。
创作包括《末日之战》等作品的 Cevat Yerli 将针对游戏画面表现进行专题演讲,带领现场听众体会画面技术不断演进,如何藉由技术真实呈现游戏样貌;NEXON 执行长 Joonmo Kwon 则会阐述在线游戏产业今日与未来的面貌。
亚洲电玩大会(GCA)今年主题为「Inspire Yourself」,活动由莱比锡国际展览有限公司(LMI)主办,并和 GCA Business Center 联合举办,活动时间为 9 月 18 日至 20 日、上午 10 时至下午 6 时在新加坡举行。
The Games Convention Asia is the first and only platform for the entire electronic game market in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region. The organizer’s target is to firmly establish what will be the Asia-Pacific region’s biggest convention devoted to digital media, computer games, entertainment and educational software as well as hardware.
The 4 pillar concept of the show is unique – it brings together the whole market chain in only one event. Starting with the Game developers – having their own platform with the GC Asia Conference – over the publishers – finding their place in the business centre – to the casual and hardcore gamer – enjoying the latest games in the dazzle of the public hall.
And the concept works as statistic shows. During September 6 to 9 2007 the first Games Convention Asia attracted 1,000 professional visitors and media representatives and 70,000 public visitors. In addition, 300 international experts from over 20 nations listened to 65 renowned local and foreign speakers during the first GC Asia Conference.